Sunday, 13 April 2014

Today we learnt how to entertain an audience through describing a person.
We had to be creative with her her origin and life in general.

This piece of writing was written by Will Adams - Year 5
Once I met a dirt poor, vintage woman who lived in a remote aboriginal village in Australia. She was roughly 100 years of age and had been through a lot of hardship. Her name was Betty and she had served her time living as a prisoner of a war camp in the World War. Betty lived in the camp for many years and only received two slices of bread per day. In the camp she made bullets for the German Soldiers, and from this she was caked in gun powder, unfortunately thats why Betty had a darker skin colour to other prisoners and they often made fun of her. Betty had stringy hair that had a silver tint and she couldn't smile because she had sowed her lips together when she went on strike, as she wanted to prove her innocence. Betty had dopy eyes from the gun powder and no longer cared about her looks, she only cared about about her freedom. At the end of the war she was released - Betty was happy for freedom but also sad because she had nowhere to go and no family to love. Sadly on the trip home she past away from a heart attack which was later found out that the cause was from her breathing in too much gun powder which had affected her heart.


  1. Cool writing William. What made you come up with the idea of her being a prisoner of war?

  2. thanks for posting it miss locket

  3. Ilove the story Willam it is amazing I wish i could write something that good

  4. brodie todd connolly15 April 2014 at 15:07

    cool story willy

  5. cool william thats awesome

    1. hi $$$Kaleb$$$

    2. haha so funny boys its me miss locket

    3. u spelt your name rong

  6. look up thats me
