Thursday, 29 May 2014

Homework Week 5

Hello Troopers!

Please make sure you are tested on your spelling words every night! You are also to read 30min each night - this will help you move up in your reading age.

Can you please complete the following activities :

1) Draw a picture (any picture) and write your words in the picture
2) Record your words and their meaning
3) Now write your words into a sentence

Keep up the great work Room 1
Miss Lockett

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Lunchtime fun in the leaves ! Check out our massive pile. 

We've just heard about this COOL photo competition.  This is something you'll need to enter from home as you need your parents permission.   Key details of the competition include:
  • competition closes on Saturday 31st May
  • can enter up to 5 times
  • you must enter your parents phone/email (not your own)
  • once you've entered, you need to get voting!

Click on the link below to find out more and enter the competition!

Competition - click here

Monday, 19 May 2014

Homework - Week3

This week you have a simple task of reading food packet labels.

You must choose four packets of food from your pantry at home and write the label into your homework book - remember we are looking at 'per serving' not per 100gms

Once you have recorded the four packets into your book you then must identify which food group the packet belongs to e.g fruit / vege / fibre / calcium / treats

P.S don't forget spelling this week.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

We were super busy this afternoon learning new large ball skills with Sport Waikato Energizer Nicola

Today Nutritionist Andy from Food for Thought came in to talk to us about 'healthy foods' we learnt loads and tomorrow we visit the supermarket in Matamata to read food labels


Healthy Eating - Homework

Your task is to create your own food pyramid based on what you learnt today with Andy and myself.
Remember good foods at the bottom and not so good foods at the top. You can either draw your pyramid or create it on the computer.

Due Friday

P.S don't forget your spelling !!

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Today in maths we looked at a range of fractions and how to identify them in everyday life.

We identified - proper fractions, improper fractions and equivalent fractions. 

Ethan, Sean and Ollie you all worked extremely hard today in maths - well done x2 Dojo points each!

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Next week is National Sign language Week - start practising your name !